
All laboratories of the AGROLAB GROUP are accredited according to the new ISO/IEC 17025:2017 since 15.01.2021
AGROLAB has met the challenges of the changeover to the new accreditation standard with flying colours. Almost half a year before the expiry of the extended transition periods, the standard...
More space, more capacity and new opportunities - Dr.A.Verwey has bright prospects for its 120th anniversary
AGROLAB has recently acquired a commercial and office building in Barendrecht, near Rotterdam. The new building is to be put into operation as laboratory by the end of 2021 after a complete...
Current postings on the European Rapid Alert System (RASFF)
Here you find a retrospective monthly summary of relevant notifications about MRLs exceeded reported in the European Rapid Alert System (RASFF) supplemented with remarkable results found in our own...
Current residue report from AGROLAB laboratories
Here we present a retrospective monthly summary of remarkable results from the residue analysis in fruit & vegetable performed in our own laboratories. Here we present a retrospective...
Shortened approval period for several pesticide actives - Cyanotraniliprole
The EU Commission has shortened the approval period of several active substances with Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/856, as we have reported. Here is a note on cyanotraniliprole from the small...
Fruit and Vegetables: Approval for pesticide actives extended
Authorisations for the following chemical active substances have been extended in the implementing regulation (EU) 2020/2007 of 8 December 2020: Authorisations for the following chemical active...
Approval for active substance Mancozeb not extended
The authorisation for the use of the active substance Mancozeb has expired. Residual stocks must be used up by 04.01.2022. The authorisation for the use of the active substance Mancozeb has...
Antibiotic FREE products: Checking antibiotics presence in food and feed
Checking of antibiotics presence in foodstuffs is a topic of primary interest in view of the increasing attention consumers are paying to animal welfare and to the quality of the food. Moreover, a...
Lactose-free products are booming - and so are their analytics
Even though only about 20% of German consumers have been medically diagnosed with lactose intolerance, 90% of all consumers regularly buy these products. Even though only about 20% of German...
Code of practice on food allergen management was adopted
This code of practice gives detailed guidance on allergen management throughout the whole supply chain and also supplements the General Principles of Food Hygiene and the ongoing work on allergen...
Alert notices from RASFF concerning food
In this section we repeated alert notices from the RASFF system of the European commission issued in the previous month, which we thought to be noteworthy and of interest to our clients. In this...
More „Superfood“ on the plates
A study of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) found that 48% of the population view “superfoods” as part of a healthy diet, while 8% are linking risks with their...
Front-of-pack labelling - far from a European consensus
In November, voluntary use of the "Nutri-Score" developed in France was approved in Germany. But what about simplified nutrition information for food in the rest of Europe? In November, voluntary...
Maximum levels of pyrrolizidine alkaloids adopted
Regulation (EU) 2020/2040 now sets maximum levels for certain pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) in certain foods for the first time. Regulation (EU) 2020/2040 now sets maximum levels for certain...
Short notes - Kurz notiert (Janaury 2021)
Get curious with informative food industry headlines from all over Europe - in many languages...The food notes are about the revision of the qs guidelines, antibiotics in veterinary medicine,...
Successful participation in the EURL laboratory comparison test Furans and Acrylamide in baby food
AGROLAB LUFA is the only German private laboratory to have successfully participated in the European interlaboratory test for the analysis of furan and acrylamide residues in baby food. AGROLAB...
We have participated: NRZ-Authent Expert Workshop 24/25.11.2020
This year's workshop of the National Reference Center for Authentic Food (NRZ-Authent) took place virtually as an online conference, like most events this year. This year's workshop of the...
AGROLAB Ibérica expands its scope of accreditation with dietary fiber and fatty acids
We have successfully passed the audit conducted by the National Accreditation Body (ENAC) in accordance with UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for the determination of dietary fiber and fatty acid...
HPLC determination of sugars - AGROLAB Poland extends the accreditation
The laboratory of instrumental tests developed the determination of sugars using the HPLC method and was positively evaluated by the Polish Centre for Accreditation. The laboratory of...
Allergens FREE products: Allergens determination
Allergies cannot be cured, so a good food declaration is all the more important for those affected. Allergies cannot be cured, so a good food declaration is all the more important for those...
Current postings on the European Rapid Alert System (RASFF)
Here you find a retrospective monthly summary of relevant notifications about MRLs exceeded reported in the European Rapid Alert System (RASFF) supplemented with remarkable results found in our own...
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