
Current residue report from AGROLAB laboratories
Here we present a retrospective monthly summary of remarkable results from the residue analysis in fruit & vegetable performed in our own laboratories. Here we present a retrospective...
Shortened approval period for several pesticide actives
The authorisation for the use of the following active substances will expire sooner than originally decided. As a rule the maximum residue limits are also subsequently reduced to the limit of...
Intensified import controls in Frankfurt
The approach to import controls at the EU's external borders has been changed and supplemented by so-called risk profiles. This leads to changes in the regular import controls at Frankfurt airport,...
EU Management Plan 2020-2024 on Health and Food Safety
The Directorate General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission (DG SANTE) has published the Management Plan on Health and Food Safety, where it describes political priorities and...
New genetic engineering: EFSA has no concerns
The European agricultural lobbyists received their Christmas present already in November. The European Food Safety Authority EFSA came to the conclusion that new genetic engineering methods such as...
New tool to decide the “best before” date or “use by” date of food
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has developed a tool to help food business operators decide when to apply the best before date or use by date to their products. The European Food Safety...
Nutri-Score - on 6.11. the starting signal was also given in Germany
Nine out of ten consumers in Germany like the new Nutri-Score label, which will enable them to distinguish between healthier and less healthy foods in the supermarket at a glance without having to...
From 1.1.2021 on it becomes complicated - Food trade between the EU and UK
The British authorities have already published which labelling requirements will apply to food products that are sold in the UK by EU-based manufacturers after 31.12.2020. The British authorities...
Unilever focuses on plant-derived products
The Dutch-British food giant not only sees a trend business in the meat and milk alternatives, but also sees a growing future market in the innovative vegetable substitute products The...
Nomad Foods takes over Findus Switzerland
Nomad Foods is probably less well known than its brands in the frozen food sector - Iglo and Findus Nomad Foods is probably less well known than its brands in the frozen food sector - Iglo and...
Short notes - Kurz notiert (Dezember 2020)
Get curious with informative food industry headlines from all over Europe - in many languages...This month our short notes are about new EU-Organic law, MRL acrylamide in infant formulae, Human...
AGROLAB Agrarzentrum GmbH is a "Full Analyst Member” of FOSFA
Since its foundation in 2017, the agricultural laboratory has been a partial member of the Federal of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations (FOSFA). Full membership was applied for in summer 2020 and...
AGROLAB donates analytical device to Tanzania
AGROLAB GC FID has been given a second life in Tanzania. Use of modern analytical technology at the Mwenge University in Moshi. AGROLAB GC FID has been given a second life in Tanzania. Use of...
GMO-FREE supply chain control in Italy
For a few years now in Italy, the ACCREDIA agency has been issuing the RT-11 production certification which regulates the presence of GMO-risk raw materials (soya, maize, rape, cotton and...
Ethylene oxide in sesame seed – sensitive assay available now
Dr. A. Verwey has developed a highly sensitive assay to detect and quantify ethylene oxide/2-chloro-ethanol traces in seeds and nuts. Dr. A. Verwey has developed a highly sensitive assay to...
Animal species differentiation - range extended again
Our PCR team at AGROLAB LUFA in Kiel has developed a new animal species detection. We can now also detect kangaroo (family: Macropodidae). Our PCR team at AGROLAB LUFA in Kiel has developed a new...
Detection and quantification of Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria spp: now even faster
AGROLAB LUFA GmbH has changed its microbiological methods for the detection and quantification of Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria spp in food to the RAPID`L.mono® technology. AGROLAB LUFA...
Current postings on the European Rapid Alert System (RASFF)
Here you find a retrospective monthly summary of relevant notifications about MRLs exceeded reported in the European Rapid Alert System (RASFF) supplemented with remarkable results found in our own...
Fruit and Vegetables: Current residue report from AGROLAB laboratories
Here we present a retrospective monthly summary of remarkable results from the residue analysis in fruit & vegetable performed in our own laboratories. Here we present a retrospective...
Fruit and Vegetables: Approval for pesticide actives extended
Authorisations for the following chemical active substances have been extended in Commission implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1511 of 16 October 2020: Authorisations for the following chemical...
Fruit and vegetables: Approval for active substance Thiophanate-methly not extended
The authorisation for the use of the active substance thiophanate-methyl has expired and, as a rule, the maximum residue limits are also subsequently reduced to the limit of determination. The...
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