Dr.-Hell-Straße 6
24107 Kiel
Tel. +49 431 12280
Fax. +49 431 1228498
The state-of-the-art laboratory of AGROLAB LUFA in Kiel has served the agricultural, feed and food manufacturing industries for more than 150 years.
AGROLAB LUFA: A specialised food & feed analysis laboratory
The site in Kiel is organized for high throughput and efficiency and has a special expertise in the analysis of vitamins, mycotoxins and organic and inorganic residues. Analyses are performed for clients all around the world, however, mainly for Germany, Denmark, France, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Bulgaria, Spain, Switzerland and Italy.
In January 2002, the renowned institute was incorporated into the AGROLAB GROUP headquarters in Munich.
What you also need to know about LUFA:
- Accredited in accordance with DIN EN 17025 and other standards
- Regularly trained, qualified staff
- Regular successful participation in proficiency and reference testing (e.g. VDLUFA, FAPAS)
- Participation in national and international congresses and collaboration with various bodies (DIN, VDLUFA, etc.)
- Statutory fertiliser, feed and seed control for the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein
- Special expertise in the analysis of vitamins, mycotoxins and organic residues
- International references
- Network of trained sampling professionals covering the whole of Germany
- Qualified, specialised sales advisory team from the AGROLAB GROUP
- Experienced, scientifically trained customer advisors
- Reporting electronically by means of data exchange, e-mail and fax
- Online retrieval of preliminary results (on request)
Our activities:
Food analysis
Food analysis
- Products of animal origin
- Convenience and processed food
- Fruits and vegetables
- Oil seeds, nuts and nut products
- Cereals, bakery products
- Special diets, baby food, nutritional supplements
- Spices, coffee, tea, herbs
- Sweets, chocolate
- Milk and dairy products
- Sensoric testing
- Product label check
- origin andauthenticitytests
Feed analysis
Feed analysis (farm animals / pets)
- All types of single feed
- Compound feed for livestock
- Complete feed
- Complementary feed
- Mineral feed
- Pet food
- Complete feed (dry and wet feed)
- Complementary feed (snack products, other supplements)
- Animal, vegetable and mineral raw materials for pet food production
- BARF products
- Premixes
- Feed additives
- Radioactive elements e.g. Iodine 131, Cesium 134/137, Strontium 90
Our service:
Sampling outside of office hours: Samples (in small quantities/units) can also be submitted personally to AGROLAB LUFA GmbH, at any time outside the regular operating times of the laboratory. A receipt cannot be issued in such cases and so ensues at your own risk. We are unable to accept responsibility for loss or damage.
Receipt of the sample will be registered on the next working day. Please contact the member of security on duty at the gate of the Technologiepark (Dr.-Hell-Str. 6, 24107 Kiel-Suchsdorf), which is manned at all times. Please call in advance to discuss sample submissions outside of the usual hours (Mon-Fri: 8 am - 4 pm) with your customer adviser.
Here you can find our order forms as well as all necessary information about our bottle set and the ordering of empties.
For sampling and shipping details please refer to our download section Information Material
Order forms
31 March 2019783 KB
31 March 2019680 KB
31 March 2019767 KB
10 February 2022734 KB
27 August 2021159 KB
pdf AGROLAB LUFA GmbH, Kiel: Order form for GMO-analysis pursuant to VLOG/GMP+/ ARGE Gentechnik frei20 February 20251.04 MB
17 April 2019825 KB
20 February 2025910 KB
01 June 2023751 KB
19 July 2018273 KB
25 June 201967 KB
Accreditations & Certificates
424 KB
423 KB
473 KB
262 KB
pdf AGROLAB LUFA GmbH, Kiel: Accreditation DAkkS D-PL-14082-01-01, PARTIAL CERTIFICATE Food, Feed, Surrounding Samples261 KB
AGROLAB LUFA GmbH, Kiel: Accreditation DAkkS D-PL-14082-01-01, partial certificate food, feed, surrounding samples - ANNEX
260 KB
AGROLAB LUFA GmbH, Kiel: Accreditation DAkkS D-PL-14082-01-02, partial certificate, Fertilisers - ANNEX
pdf AGROLAB LUFA GmbH, Kiel: Accreditation DAkkS D-PL-14082-01-03, PARTIAL CERTIFICATE Radioactivity - divers matrices260 KB
AGROLAB LUFA GmbH, Kiel: Accreditation DAkkS D-PL-14082-01-03, particial certificate, Radioactivity - divers matrices - ANNEX
pdf AGROLAB LUFA GmbH, Kiel: Accreditation DAkkS D-PL-14082-01-04, PARTIAL CERTIFICATE, Radioactivity - German Drinking Water Ordinance417 KB
AGROLAB LUFA GmbH, Kiel: Accreditation DAkkS D-PL-14082-01-04, particial certificate, Radioactivity - German Drinking Water Ordinance - ANNEX
351 KB
7.52 MB
497 KB
1.03 MB
Our vacancies
You can find our vacancies on the German website.