
Since 1 January 2010 there has been an obligation to issue fertiliser declarations in accordance with the 2008 Fertiliser Ordinance; this also applies to sewage sludge for farming purposes.


In short, this means that "What's inside must also be on the outside!", whereas before the motto was "What's on the outside must also be on the inside!" Contrary to what is stated in the Sewage Sludge Ordinance (AbfKlärV), today there is a duty to declare rather than to test.  The Fertiliser Ordinance (DüMV) was amended in December 2012.


As a consequence, further tests (e.g. dioxin-like PCB (dl-PCB) as well as available nitrogen) are necessary, and there are new requirements concerning statutory fertiliser declaration.


How can AGROLAB help?

We can still issue a fertiliser declaration free of charge in accordance with the latest legal provisions that can be used immediately. The declaration will always cover the parameters actually tested, and will list them accordingly. AGROLAB offers complete and appropriately streamlined analysis packages for compliance with the new DüMV.


Feel free to consult us at any time: Contact (inaktiv)