Periodic table

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has been commissioned by the European Union (EU) to assess the general toxicity of bromide for humans and animals.


The aim of the study is to derive toxicological reference values for bromide. In addition, the current maximum residue levels (MRLs) will be reviewed. Particular attention is paid to the possible transfer of bromide from feed to food of animal origin. Bromide (Br-) is an anion in natural salts. The total bromide content is an important analytical parameter for detecting residues of methyl bromide, for example, a fumigant that is now banned for the treatment of food. Maximum residue levels for this substance are set out in EU Regulation 396/2005. The Scientific Committee has established a tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 0.4 mg/kg of body weight per day and an acute reference dose (ARfD) of 0.4 mg/kg of body weight per day to protect against adverse effects on neurodevelopment. A conservative review showed that the TDI and ARfD levels could be exceeded in some foods in the EU.


Monitoring data to date show that the current MRLs are exceeded in some foodstuffs, but usually only to a small extent (10%), except for Brazil nuts (38%) and in pork samples (100%) based on the samples examined.

Furthermore, the data situation is currently inadequate, particularly with regard to health risks for livestock. Assuming a possible transfer of bromides via feed into meat, milk, eggs and fish, further data must be collected and evaluated in the member states in order to revise the maximum residue levels.


YOUR PLUS: The AGROLAB GROUP laboratories analyse food for bromide content and evaluate the results based on the valid maximum residue levels. We will keep you informed of future changes.


Author: Dr. Frank Mörsberger, AGROLAB GROUP