Regulation (EU) 2025/99 and Regulation (EU) 2025/150 extended the authorisation of 18 chemical and 7 biological plant protection products.
Applications have been submitted for the renewal of the authorisation of these active substances in accordance with Regulation 844/2012. Due to delays in the decision-making and evaluation of the active substances for reasons not attributable to the applicants, the Commission has extended the period of validity of the authorisations. This is to prevent the authorisations for these active substances from becoming invalid before a decision on the renewal of the authorisations is taken.
We will limit the list to chemical agents.
Active |
CAS-No.: |
Extended until |
Ref. |
Milbemectin |
1799297-76-9 |
05/31/2026 |
1) |
Pyrimethanil |
53112-28-0 |
06/30/2026 |
Sulphur |
7704-34-9 |
07/31/2026 |
Formetanate |
244-879-0 |
09/30/2026 |
Phenmedipham |
13684-63-4 |
Cyprodinil |
121552-61-2 |
10/31/2026 |
Dichlorprop-P |
1124-05-6 |
Fosethyl |
39148-24-8 |
Pirimicarb |
23103-98-2 |
Spinosad |
168316-95-8 |
Halosulfuron-methyl |
100784-20-1 |
11/15/2026 |
Triticonazole |
131983-72-7 |
01/31/2027 |
Ziram |
137-30-4 |
Imazamox |
114311-32-9 |
06/30/2027 |
Pyriofenone |
688046-61-9 |
Benalaxyl-M |
98243-83-5 |
09/30/2027 |
Pyroxsulam |
422556-08-9 |
Mepiquat chloride | 24307-26-4 | 02/29/20240 | 2) |
If the application for renewal of the approval of an active substance is rejected, the approval shall expire on the day preceding that referred to in this Regulation or on the date of entry into force of the Regulation on non-inclusion, whichever is the later.
We limited the list to the chemical actives
The currently valid maximum residue levels remain unaffected by these extensions.
Author: Dr Frank Mörsberger, AGROLAB GROUP