You have a sophisticated risk management system and you regularly have your products tested for contaminants and microbiological safety, and yet it has happened: you have placed a food on the market that is unsafe. What now?
In such a crisis situation, quick and appropriate measures must be taken to minimise potential harm to consumers, but also to protect your own company as much as possible. You have certainly made provisions for such cases. Hopefully, up-to-date checklists and clear communication rules are in place and your management team and employees know what to do in such a case.
The Consumer Protection Working Group (LAV) has now published a revised guide -
YOUR PLUS: : You can rely on the food labs of AGROLAB GROUP in the event of a crisis. We are there for you and will support you to the best of our ability. Our employees know what is at stake for you. We have already made the ‘impossible’ possible.
Author: Dr. Frank Mörsberger, AGROLAB GROUP