The assessment values serve as a guide for official German laboratories to decide, in the absence of ‘threshold values’, whether labelling in the list of ingredients appears necessary for a food.
The ALS*/ALTS** are working groups in which the German federal states regularly agree on uniform procedures for food monitoring. At the 93rd meeting, allergen assessment values were updated and published. As previously announced, additional assessment values for mustard, soya, lupine and celery have been adapted to the recommendations of the FAO/WHO expert group.
You can look up the current changes in the table, which
YOUR PLUS: Even if the assessment values only apply to the laboratories of the official food monitoring authorities, you should also use them as a guide when labelling your food. We support you in this with our allergen analysis.
Author: Dr. Frank Mörsberger, AGROLAB GROUP
*ALS: Working Group of Food Chemistry Experts of the Federal States and the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety
**ALTS Working group of experts in the field of food hygiene and food of animal origin