First the good news: 97% of all fruit and vegetable samples examined by the authorities of the European Member States in 2013 remained below the valid maximum residue quantities. In almost 55% of these samples, no pesticide residues at all were verified.
Overstepping of the maximum quantities in products imported from non-EU countries
This is the result of good farming practice that has been established almost everywhere within the EU.
In contrast, examination of products imported from non-EU countries showed that every 20th product exceeded the maximum residue limits. Likewise, the number of samples in which several constituents were verified rose compared to 2010.
What you get: our laboratories help you analyse your products
This gratifying trend is ultimately the result of consistent internal controls across a wide range of process chains by the producers and the retail sector. With the innovative pesticide multi-method program 'SILBER', 'GOLD' and 'PLATINUM', we support your risk management systems with a meaningful range of inexpensive analysis services adapted to your needs.
If you are interested, please contact our regional sales specialist who will be happy to answer any questions about quotations, sampling, and sample transportation and logistics.
Source: EFSA Media Relations Office, 2015