Data protection information for ALSA (AGROLAB Sampling App)
Welcome to the AGROLAB website. We appreciate your interest in our sampler app.
You can search for this app with "ALSA AGROLAB" on Google Play or simply find and download it at
The protection of your data is a matter of course for us and we would like to explain our handling of your data below.
Of course, we respect the GDPR, the BDSG and the Tele-Medien-Gesetz (TMG), as every company and every citizen should or must do. If you have any questions about the handling of your personal data outside of this data protection declaration, please feel free to contact our data protection officer (
Data Protection Officer of the AGROLAB GROUP
Veronika Wimmer
Jenaer Str. 1
84034 Landshut
Phone: +49 8765 80 710 11
AGROLAB GmbH or the AGROLAB location you have commissioned is responsible for processing your personal data.
Type, scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data
ALSA is a tool for AGROLAB samplers. It provides access to their current sampling orders (an extract from the AGROLAB database) on their smartphone or tablet. ALSA allows the sampler to digitally record sampling data.
ALSA processes this data from the sampler (user): IP address, device identifier, shared photos from camera and phone memory, and any sample-related data that he or she enters.
Any data will only be used for professional sampling for analysis of the samples at AGROLAB.
The sampling data is transmitted to AGROLAB for order fulfilment (analysis order), stored in the AGROLAB database but deleted from the ALSA app within a maximum of 14 days after completion of sampling.
Provider/operator of the app is AGROLAB GmbH, Jenaer Str. 1, 84034 Landshut, Germany,
For which user data does the app require which access rights?
ALSA requires access rights to the camera and photos in order to transmit photos for sampling if required and to be able to scan the bottle barcode..
How long is this data stored?
Sampling data is stored in the app for a maximum of 14 days after completion of sampling, sampler data (IP-address) is stored in the app for as long as the user uses the app.
Is user behaviour/data evaluated by tracking tools (Apptrace, Apptrace, Adeven, App Annie, Google Analytics for Apps)?
User behaviour is not evaluated. Data is not analysed by tracking tools. Sampling data is transferred to the AGROLAB database and used for the commissioned analysis. The data is stored in the AGROLAB database for 10 years.
Is the data transferred to third parties, if so for what purpose?
The data will only be transferred to AGROLAB. As a rule, third parties are only involved if this is expressly ordered by the client in the analysis order. Personal data is not passed on or sold unless we are legally obliged to do so. If external service providers come into contact with your personal data, we have taken legal measures to ensure that they comply with the provisions of the data protection laws.
What rights does the user have with regard to deleting, blocking and correcting his/her data?
The user (sampler) can request a necessary correction at any time.
Deletion and blocking of data is only possible after 10 years due to the legal basis for the service contract and the accredited analysis.
How can the user object?
The user can send any objection requests to the AGROLAB GmbH data protection officer by e-mail or post.
AGROLAB has implemented extensive technical and organisational security measures to protect your data from accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorised persons. Our security procedures are regularly reviewed and adapted to technological progress.
Changes to the data protection declaration
We reserve the right to change this data protection declaration in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations. The status is February 2022.